On October 10, we had the opportunity to present the draft proposal of the Tooele Valley Port Project Area to the Tooele County Council.
The Tooele Valley Project Area aligns with the region’s economic development goals by facilitating the expansion of current businesses and the attraction of new enterprises, resulting in increased job opportunities for Tooele County residents.
During this presentation, council members recognized our recently drafted Wetlands Policy.
One council member from Tooele County expressed their appreciation, stating, “When your [wetlands] policy came out last week, that policy addressed some of the concerns that our citizens in this valley have had and those of the environmental community have had. Thank you for listening, and secondly, thank you for being proactive in drafting a policy that is not only sustainable but will assist in the other part, which is development, so thank you.”
Our hope is to finalize this policy during our November Board Meeting. In the meantime, we are actively seeking feedback from the community. During the development of this policy, we have closely collaborated with key stakeholders to ensure it accomplishes its intended goals.
As Scott Wolford, our vice president of Project Area Development, highlighted in the recent Tooele meeting, “Our goal isn’t to just minimize damage but to enhance those wetlands to make it a better resource for your area.”