News: Audio/Video

Utah Inland Port Authority executive director Jack Hedge with an update on the expansive project

April 06, 2021
The Inland Port project–which gets some people excited, others not so much–has continued to move forward during the pandemic. To get us up to speed on what’s going on, Boyd is joined by Utah Inland Port Authority Executive Director Jack Hedge. They explore the economic and environmental pros and cons of the expansive project…  

The COVID-19 Vaccine is Coming: How Should the Business Community Prepare?

December 08, 2020
The Salt Lake Chamber held an informative and important webinar regarding federal stimulus negotiations, vaccine distribution plans, and logistical importance of Utah in the nation’s cold chain network. This network of airplanes, airports, warehouses, refrigerated trucks comprises a physical logistics system that covers the United States. Participants included Senator Mitt Romney, Utah Department of Health (UDOH) Executive Director Rich Saunders,

Chamber Champion: Jack Hedge, Utah Inland Port Authority

October 07, 2020
Jack Hedge, executive director of the Utah Inland Port Authority, talks with Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber, about what an inland port is, how Utah’s is growing intentionally, why a strong logistics system is important for a strong economy, and more.

Salt Lake Chamber Shares ‘Speaking on Business: Utah Inland Port Authority’

September 22, 2020
This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Before the pandemic, most of us probably didn’t give much thought to how an online order arrived at our door or whether there would be toilet paper on store shelves. But for the Utah Inland Port Authority, thinking about supply chains is their business. Jack Hedge is the Executive Director of the Port Authority and he’s